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Bubble Bath & Salts

Relax and unwind with our selection of bubble baths and salts. With a variety of scents and formulas, these products are designed to help you de-stress and soothe sore muscles.

  • Westlab Reviving Epsom Bath Salts

    मूल कीमत £4.99 - मूल कीमत £10.49
    मूल कीमत
    £4.99 - £10.49
    £4.99 - £10.49
    मौजूदा कीमत £4.99
    स्टॉक में

    Soothe and relax tired, aching or overworked muscles with 100% natural Epsom Salts for bathing and foot soaking.​ Naturally rich in Magnesium to h...

    पूरा विवरण देखें

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