इसे छोड़कर सामग्री पर बढ़ने के लिए

Bites & Sting Relief

Soothe and treat insect bites and stings with our selection of relief products. From creams to sprays, we've got everything you need to alleviate itching, swelling, and pain.

  • Care+ Plus Tick-Out Remover

    मूल कीमत £2.89
    मूल कीमत £2.89 - मूल कीमत £2.89
    मूल कीमत £2.89
    मौजूदा कीमत £2.49
    £2.49 - £2.49
    मौजूदा कीमत £2.49
    कम स्टॉक

    Specialist blister prevention and treatment Removes ticks quickly, safely, and easily Specially developed gripping jaws (for nymphs too) Minimal r...

    पूरा विवरण देखें

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